
중국 사실주의 화가 Han Wu Shen

자하연 2011. 5. 31. 20:35

Han Wu Shen
Chinese Classical Realist Artist

born 1950




  A Girl in Barn
Oil on canvas
    Public collection


A Soft Spring Evening
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches (76.20 x 60.96 cm)
Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross




 Brother's Lunch
Oil on canvas
Public collection



   A Cold Spring Day
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 28 1/4
inches (90 x 72 cm)
Quent Cordair Fine Art, Burlingame



  A Letter from Dad
Oil on canvas
1/8 x 50 3/8
inches (97 x 128 cm)
Private collection




   First Snow
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 41 1/4
inches (85 x 105 cm)
Private collection



  Cutting off the Pigtail
Oil on canvas
1/2 x 31 3/8
inches (65 x 80 cm)
Private collection



  Shui Meizi
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (80 x 100 cm)
Private collection




  Spring is Coming
Oil on canvas
3/4 x 25 1/2
inches (53 x 65 cm)
Quent Cordair Fine Art, Burlingame



Oil on canvas
1/4 x 35 3/4
inches (72 x 91 cm)
Private collection




 Still Cold in Spring
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (80 x 100 cm)
Quent Cordair Fine Art, Burlingame




 Stone Stream No.2
Oil on canvas
1/2 x 31 3/8
inches (65 x 80 cm)
Quent Cordair Fine Art, Burlingame




   The Return of Wild Geese
Oil on canvas
55 x 57 inches (140 x 145 cm)
Private collection



   Young Worker
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (80 x 100 cm)
Private collection



Trying on New Clothes
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (90 x 100 cm)
Private collection



 Child by water    
Oil on canvas
Private collection



  Chinese Girl
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (90 x 100 cm)
Private collection




Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (80 x 100 cm)
Private collection



  Life Goes on
Oil on canvas
3/8 x 39 1/4
inches (80 x 100 cm)
Private collection



   Making Winter Clothes
Oil on canvas
7/8 x 35 3/4
inches (71 x 91 cm)
Private collection




 Morning Make-up
Oil on canvas
1/2 x 20 3/4
inches (65 x 53 cm)
Private collection



  Picking Mushrooms
Oil on canvas
x 55 inches (125 x 140 cm)
Private collection




 Profile of a young Chinese woman
Oil on canvas
Private collection




   Returning Home
Oil on canvas
5/8 x 35 3/4
inches (73 x 91 cm)
Private collection




 Woman at well
Oil on canvas
Quent Cordair Fine Art, Burlingame




출처 : http://cafe.daum.net/leeruth

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